Favourite job

I’m studying psychology, and for that reason I hope to work on something related with it. Well, this career have a very big work field: juridical, clinic, educational, communitarian and occupational, but inside of that areas we can found special ways to approach to do the job: from de constructionism, psychoanalysis, forensic, cognitive, among others.

I like to work with the psychoanalysis, because it makes a lot of sense to me, I believe in the infantile trauma, the impact of our parental relationships and in more things, I think we are so much more that only a body.

Now, ¿psychoanalysis where? I want to work with it but in social institutions, like SENAME, or victimology centers. I also want to work in the jails, but that I feel like a vital challenge, because that is very hard work, and it needs a very prepared people too.

About the indoor or outdoor, it going to depends of the work, but I prefer the outdoor works, but is so difficult do my work outside, but not impossible. If I have the possibility of go out, im going to take the chance.

About the salary, in my plans is not very important the first years of work, because I want to learn and have different experiences, and that is the most important thing to me, but in the time I pretend going earning more money because the experience and the knowledge have a price.

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