Postgraduate studies

I want to do a course of postgraduate, but I don’t know yet if I want magister or just a course or something simpler than a magister hehe. I want to continue with my studies because I feel the undergraduate degrees are insufficient and not so good, so I feel like forced to going on.

Throughout my career I’ve been changing my opinion about the specialty I want, but in this moment, so near of my graduation, I feel more attracted to the psychoanalysis lines, it’s makes more sense that the others currents of my career, I don’t know yet if I want in adult or kids, but I have time to decide.

About the place to continue my studies on postgraduate I always think in Chile, particularly on Universidad de Chile, because I like the focus of the subjects imparted here: with perspective of gender and understanding de social problems like a context to can comprehend the different cases and persons.

With the COVID-19 I’ve been feeling so comfortable in my house, I think we loose a lot of time with the transport, and so many times maybe was unnecessary to be on some places, like some class that we can see from our houses. Different of this is the case of activities that need of the persons to functionate, that are so important to our formation too. For this reason, I think the best option to a course of postgraduate is a blended system, between presential and online classes.

Mujeres exitosas: ¡10 historias para inspirarte a emprender!


  1. What good plans you have, I wish you much success and that you achieve everything you want. Quarantine has served us to reflect on many aspects of our lives and it is good that we rethink things. A hug :)


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