Themed Free post 2: My family

Hi! In this opportunity I’m going to talk about my family: my mom, my dad, my sister.

My mom, called Mariela, is my superhero, I’m her big fan and I could give millions of reasons to admire her. First, I want to say that she is so beautiful, her eyes are blue, she’s blonde woman, and she can talk with her gaze, I love to look my mom. She is very strong, good worker, good mom, and she support to all of us on my home when we are passing hard moments.

My dad, called Eduardo and his nickname is lalo, is very sweet, but at the same time, he is a little strict. He is a man raised in other times and that have a lot of consequences today (i fight with him a lot because we think different about polemic things like abort or homosexuality, for example). But the most important thing of my dad, I think, is the love that he puts on his job; he is teacher, and he love so much make classes, he says that is a way to contribute with better world because the education changes people, it allows to work and be a better person.

My sister, called Paula, is everything for me. She’s 14 years old, very adolescent, her hair have a lot of colors, her ears have piercings and she use black and big clothes, she loves TikTok, and don’t like study. I love my sister so much because she knows how to stay and understand people, loves to help, she is so maternal too. When I’m sad her hugs are the best, because she don’t ask what’s happening, she just hug me and stay with me. Other thing I love of my sister is how she cook, because wowow she know how to make a lot of delicious things: cakes, chocolates, pancakes, bread, etc.

I feel very lucky for my family, because they make me feel happy and accompanied in the life.  

Pd: the picture is when i was graduate for the highschool.


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