
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

Postgraduate studies

I want to do a course of postgraduate, but I don’t know yet if I want magister or just a course or something simpler than a magister hehe. I want to continue with my studies because I feel the undergraduate degrees are insufficient and not so good, so I feel like forced to going on. Throughout my career I’ve been changing my opinion about the specialty I want, but in this moment, so near of my graduation, I feel more attracted to the psychoanalysis lines, it’s makes more sense that the others currents of my career, I don’t know yet if I want in adult or kids, but I have time to decide. About the place to continue my studies on postgraduate I always think in Chile, particularly on Universidad de Chile, because I like the focus of the subjects imparted here: with perspective of gender and understanding de social problems like a context to can comprehend the different cases and persons. With the COVID-19 I’ve been feeling so comfortable in my house, I think we loose a lot of time wi

Favourite job

I’m studying psychology, and for that reason I hope to work on something related with it. Well, this career have a very big work field: juridical, clinic, educational, communitarian and occupational, but inside of that areas we can found special ways to approach to do the job: from de constructionism, psychoanalysis, forensic, cognitive, among others. I like to work with the psychoanalysis, because it makes a lot of sense to me, I believe in the infantile trauma, the impact of our parental relationships and in more things, I think we are so much more that only a body. Now, ¿psychoanalysis where? I want to work with it but in social institutions, like SENAME, or victimology centers. I also want to work in the jails, but that I feel like a vital challenge, because that is very hard work, and it needs a very prepared people too. About the indoor or outdoor, it going to depends of the work, but I prefer the outdoor works, but is so difficult do my work outside, but not impossible. If I hav

Themed Free post 2: My family

Hi! In this opportunity I’m going to talk about my family: my mom, my dad, my sister. My mom, called Mariela, is my superhero, I’m her big fan and I could give millions of reasons to admire her. First, I want to say that she is so beautiful, her eyes are blue, she’s blonde woman, and she can talk with her gaze, I love to look my mom. She is very strong, good worker, good mom, and she support to all of us on my home when we are passing hard moments. My dad, called Eduardo and his nickname is lalo, is very sweet, but at the same time, he is a little strict. He is a man raised in other times and that have a lot of consequences today (i fight with him a lot because we think different about polemic things like abort or homosexuality, for example). But the most important thing of my dad, I think, is the love that he puts on his job; he is teacher, and he love so much make classes, he says that is a way to contribute with better world because the education changes people, it allows to wor