Postgraduate studies
I want to do a course of postgraduate, but I don’t know yet if I want magister or just a course or something simpler than a magister hehe. I want to continue with my studies because I feel the undergraduate degrees are insufficient and not so good, so I feel like forced to going on. Throughout my career I’ve been changing my opinion about the specialty I want, but in this moment, so near of my graduation, I feel more attracted to the psychoanalysis lines, it’s makes more sense that the others currents of my career, I don’t know yet if I want in adult or kids, but I have time to decide. About the place to continue my studies on postgraduate I always think in Chile, particularly on Universidad de Chile, because I like the focus of the subjects imparted here: with perspective of gender and understanding de social problems like a context to can comprehend the different cases and persons. With the COVID-19 I’ve been feeling so comfortable in my house, I think we loose a lot of time wi